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地区: KWCG
分类: 教育培训 > 中文学校
电话: 519-884-4400


The Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of and development of Chinese language, culture, studies and business. It is a joint-venture between the Office of Chinese Language Council International, the University of Waterloo, and Renison University College. Nanjing University, one of China's top universities, is the officially designated partner university.

Agreement was reached on June 13th 2006 to establish The Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo to be housed at Renison University College. The Institute builds on the strengths of the long-established East Asian Studies program at Renison University College, University of Waterloo, and the strong relationship between University of Waterloo and Nanjing University. The Confucius Institute serves a large community in south-western Ontario, which has rapidly growing academic, business, and tourist relations with China. The Institute is located within Renison's East Asian Studies Centre and benefits from the newly established Donald Choi Language Laboratory and the large Chinese language collection of books in the College's Lusi Wong Library.

Useful links

The Office of Chinese Language Council International
Nanjing University